Story Of A 2064’s Grand-Ma !

1990's -When people used to think 'real ideas'
1990’s -When people used to think ‘real ideas’

1990’s :

Mom and Daughter:

Mom: Where are you going my darling?

Daughter: To play with my friends Mommy, we have invented a new game and the idea was mine !

Mom: Wow ! That’s good. Your brainwaves are so innovative. Go play but don’t go too far.

Daughter: Okay, Mommy.

Brother And Sister:

Brother: I have discovered a new library and they have the best books collection.

Sister: Oh wow, Please give me its address.

Brother: No, you first tell me the story of book you just read.

Sister: Okay.

Grand Daughter And Grand Ma:

Grand Daughter: Please tell me the stories of your past Grand-Ma !

Grand Ma: Okay sweetheart, Come here sit in my lap and I will tell you many stories.

Grand Daughter: Yay ! Thanks Grand-Ma.


2013 – When Ideas went online !

2013 :

Mom and Daughter:

Mom: Where are you going sweetheart ?

Daughter: In my room Mommy ! I am working on a new website. The idea was mine.

Mom: Wow ! That’s good. Your brainwaves are so innovative. Go but please come out for lunch.

Daughter: Okay, Mommy !

Brother And Sister:

Brother: I have discovered the fastest torrent website online.

Sister: Please give me it’s address, I have to download a movie.

Brother: No, First remove that weird photo of me with our family you have posted on your face book.

Sister: Okay.

Grand Daughter and Grand Ma:

Grand Ma: Have you checked my new post on my blog ?

Grand Daughter: Sorry Grand-Ma I didn’t get time.

Grand Ma: Okay I am un-friend-ing you on Face book !!


1934 - When we'd be the weirdest Grand Parents !
2064 – When we’d be the weirdest Grand Parents !


Mom and Daughter:

Daughter : Mommy ! My friend told me today that long ago there were people who don’t used to have sharp brains like us but they were energetic and used to think of bright ideas about life.

Mommy: No sweetheart don’t think about that. Save your brainwaves. Go recharge your brain.

Grand Ma standing besides them, Smiles !

Grand Daughter and Grand Ma:

Grand Ma: Come sweetheart we are playing the latest version of Grand Theft Auto ! It is amazing.

Grand Daughter: No, Grand Ma ! You play. I have to go with my Android friends.

Grand Ma smiles again !


This weird post is written in response to Daily Prompt: Brainwave.


First photo : SHADY.

Second and Third: Google.


51 thoughts on “Story Of A 2064’s Grand-Ma !

  1. […] Should Write!! Here an Idea! 29. When does an idea count as a brainwave? | Sue’s Trifles 30. Story Of A 1964′s Grand-Ma ! | Shadows Of The Divine 31. The Classic Wish… Two Places at Once | Cornelison 32. Full Moon… | Haiku By Ku 33. After […]

  2. Nice post… 🙂 Made me Smile 🙂

    Waise tune pehle 2064 ko 1964 likha tha na? 😀

    Mistakes… Ummm Almost perfect… :)… Khush ho ja 🙂 🙂

    Just one correction… in the 2064 section… First dialogue…

    “… there were people who don’t used to have sharp brains like us…”

    Don’t used nahin… Didn’t use…

    Main dekh raha hoon ki tu is type ki mistake (wrong tense in sentences involving ‘do’) lagaataar kar rahi hai… Tujhe rule to pataa hai na is type ke sentences ka?

    • Thank you 🙂 Haan ghalti se likh hogya tha lol 😀
      Haaan got it Sir ! Rule tu pata hai bus likhtay huay pata nae chalta is walay tense ka kuch kamzoor hai I guess theak ho jay ga with practice and with your help, of course 😉

  3. I REALLY love this piece. Loved the pictures; the conversation. This truly is one of those pieces that you just have to read because it just is THAT good!!! Thanks- enjoyed every word.

    • Haha Now you just made my day ! What an exciting appreciation and what a sweet comment. Thanks a LOT !! Love yo so much 🙂 Hope to see you more often now ;)wishing A very happy new year to you ! xx

  4. Haye! Beautifully written. 🙂
    I’m amazed, how you get these brilliant IDEAS! Okay, daily prompt help you, but still! I must say you have a unique writing style. And your brain is just awesome! ;). Love it.

    • Aww Ayesha you just made my day ! Umm….actually its night but still 😉 Thank you so very very much for the sweetest appreciation ! I am so glad you found my writing style good enough to read me . Haha my brain is a dumb one, trust me 😉 Love you to bits !

  5. So incredibly accurate! Kind of sad think we regress apposed to progress with all the new technology we have available! I just love reading your posts! I would love to pick your brain! lol God bless you beautiful!

    • Aw my brain is all your’s sweetheart 🙂 Love you . Thanks so much for the appreciation and yes I agree to your thoughts. Have a very happy new year 🙂 Love xx


    Where in the ‘real’ do you get all this Wisdom..surely your soul is older than 21;)

    But anyway oh my gosh..this does ring true for me too..

    With that worst pain known to mankind for 60 months..and human exhaustion and all of that at 48..i certainly had to ponder all of this..

    But 21 pondering this..oh i just have to say..that is awesome dear…

    once more..

    But back to me again..sitting with the aunt i talk about who was 94..i could not really talk and could only listen..and these are the things she talked about…

    So sad..that while i had some time for imagination..and make believe in my early youth..before the internet age..that was all she had for decades in youth..and the light in her eyes at 94 still reflected that wonder of youth…

    So i thought to myself..when vision and hearing fades..and fingers go in pain in disability in old was the experience of my Aunt at 94 where would the young folks today..find their happiness at 94…

    Well..the blessings of imagination and bliss..were one of history and real life for my Aunt in the early 20th century of life…

    First there was air-conditioning..and no longer were front porches tell the stories with each other that only imagination and true human empathy can bring among more than one human being in real life..

    Now there is instant gratification..really that’s all there is..

    No longer looking forward to the gift..of wonder and delight..of simply tranquility that comes from patience of just being alive..

    Well thank GO
    D for delicious excruciating pain that took away all of everything from me…

    Cause it left one thing behind..that was imagination..without effective use of eyes or ears..that was the most limitless place of reality..

    That any human being can live….

    So once again i am my aunt..and that light of imagination that lived in her eyes..back when i was 48 and three is mine again at 53….

    Anyway you go are getting your groove back again..and i am so enjoying being connected to your this written way of being….


    • And oh by the way..while i’m not an official part of this Word Press 1 a day or one a week thing..

      My goal in December was to do twelve posts after only averaging about 4 or 5 for the last 4 months…

      So i am only up to 10 and time is running out so i am gonna cheat a little or break the rules or whatever…and reblog your last two enlightening posts and my responses to get to number 12…

      So help me once meet my goals in life..:)

      So haha..this will be 3 in 24 friend..;)


        • But wait..i did your two reblogged ones were insurance yesterday..meanwhile i created two more..the one about @onement..and about the year in i got a total of 14 now that even makes twelve without your 2..but i really like that i’m fascinated with numbers and that makes my total post count in my Katie Mia Aghogday Blog..up to 103 now..which kinda matches 13 for 2013..and thirty with a 3 and 0 in my Katie Mia Frederick Blog spot blog.. so i got all the threes i wanted happening 2…

          Oh gosh…sorry…i guess that is kinda confusing..but it’s everything is working Kool these days in life..and i so hope the same for 2014..2

          • Many congrats for your achievement….No happiness can match to what we get on completing our goals 🙂 That wasn’t confusing…I get that. I hope the same happiness and peace for you too 🙂 xx

    • These were some fantastic things to hear fron you ! So much appreciation so much love…your excitement just made me smile. Thank you so much for all these uplifting words. They mean a lot to me. Your story was nice. You are right, my soul is older than 21 I know that 😉 Thanks so much for all this support ! Much love xx

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