Forgive And Forget ?

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Forgiveness; A renowned trait possessed by our Lord. As we are that Lord’s creation, He puts bits of His traits inside us.

Repentance; A trait possessed by us only as we are puppets of vice who commit crimes at times and repent for them at other times.

We Repent , He forgives.

What if we repent , do other humans forgive ?

I have been clutched to the past chapters of my life’s book through the same hook;forgiveness. Some lessons were learnt, some people were forgiven but I never was able to forget those people and circumstances. I never could. I feel like those happenings were paramount elements towards revolutionizing ‘Me’. The person I am now is absolutely different from the person I used to be. Back then, I had no idea how atrocious and merciless life can prove to be. Bitter enough to change an entire person’s nature. Who says Nature can not be changed ? I invite him to meet me.

I have been walking continuously through this journey called life, carrying an unwanted burden of crushed trust, broken promises, betrayal and abandoned love on my weak shoulders. I never knew that friends could behave like worst enemies and people who are unknown to you can use their full effort to destroy you out of jealousy , until life decided to teach me lessons. Lessons that were undesired but ample.

A very dear friend of mine who continued stabbing my back and when I found out, it was too late. I forgave her and never made her realize in what crucial ways her actions have affected my entire life. But I never managed to forget her. Another incident has just evolved on my mind, when I was accused of doing an act that is considered as a big sin in our culture and society , by some gross people, in public. I fought hard to prove my innocence. I was my own lawyer back then, and the judge was the whole society around me. I lacked confidence and logic but I fought , with truth as my weapon. That was the first time I felt my breath freezing inside me when no one trusted me at that time. Pain exploded out of every inch of my body but I chose silence , as a strong character was the only sacred thing I had. I was not ready to compromise it in public. Later on when the same people who didn’t trust me before, came to know the truth they automatically started respecting me. The people who accused me apologized and I forgave them. My silence proved to be the best revenge as I am seeing those people failing in every step of life in front of my eyes from four years now. And I have a firm belief; Even if you forgive people who accuse you for their amusement, Nature takes revenge at any cost .

With this, I close my book. I hope Someday , someone rewrites these agonizing chapters of my life with the ink of happiness and contentment. Hope is the key after all.

This post is written in response to Daily Prompt: Forgive and Forget?